Port: | Shanghai |
Meud Òrdugh as ìsle: | 1 Seata / Seataichean |
Comas solair: | 10 Seata / Seataichean gach bliadhna |
Cumhachan pàighidh: | L / C, T / T. |
Fiosrachadh pacaidh: | Pacadh inbhe às-mhalairt eadar-nàiseanta |
Mion-fhiosrachadh lìbhrigidh: | Taobh a-staigh 90 latha |
Loidhne giullachd pùdar tomato 1.automatic
Dealbhadh 2.automatic gus saothair a shàbhaladh
Rèiteachadh sùbailte
4. gealladh aon bhliadhna
Ro-ràdh Coitcheann
Shanghai JUMP fèin-ghluasadach Uidheamachadh Co., Earr. is committed to providing te food procesmar sinrs, suppliers and otrithe customers around the world with leading technology, high-quality product, individual solution agus superino service. After nearly 15 years ' innovation agus self-development, JUMP has been a leading supplier in China fno complete plants de machinery agus eng Luchdaich sìos mar PDF